The eyes – Analysis by Dr Gauthier – Part II
Analysis of the Eyes – THE FOREHEAD
“The eyes are the greatest weapon of coquetry…” wrote Stendhal.
And this is true for everyone at any age!
I will remind you that the eyes are an indivisible whole enclosed in a “frame”
- Eyelids,
- Forehead,
- Temples,
- Under-eye circles
- Eyebrows.
In the first part I treated the eyelids.
I will now speak about the FOREHEAD.
The forehead ages firstly because it is in constant movement due to our expressions. But, it also ages very quickly as a result of exposure to the sun, since it is “on the front line” in terms of receiving solar rays. Therefore, the second problem is pigmentation (age spots) and the third is marked wrinkles and furrows on the forehead.
1 – Expressions:
They are reduced thanks to botulinum toxin (Botox) injections.
Expression lines are easily halved when the glabella muscles (responsible for expression lines) are injected.
Horizontal forehead lines are also reduced, or even erased, by botulinum toxin (Botox) injections, BUT… the risk of making the eyebrows come down like an awning over the eyes is very significant.
You must be able to accept some horizontal lines on the face in order to have a beautiful expression and not one of a cocker spaniel or hangdog…
2 – Pigmentation problems:
Light-based treatments (flash lamp, also called Intense Pulsed Light) are often very effective.
Good old treatment with nitrogen, spot by spot, is also effective, but does not change the overall quality of the skin of the temples, as light-based treatments would.
When the temples are wrinkled with small deep-set wrinkles and the skin has totally lost the elastin and collagen that kept it looking fresh, resurfacing treatments are necessary to “make new skin”.
Resurfacing treatments are therefore necessarily aggressive, since the idea is to totally renew the skin in this area.
Therapeutic resurfacing options are:
- Laser (CO2, Ebrium): healing time is more or less long (fractional lasers make it possible to heal quicker, but more sessions are necessary).
- Chemical peels: only strong chemical peels will renew the skin, small peels only have a stimulating effect, not a regenerating one.
- Ablation therapy with radiofrequency: this can also be more or less fragmented and include a recovery time of several days.
3 – Marked wrinkles and furrows:
Hyaluronic acid injections into forehead wrinkles and furrows give good results, however, these injections must be extremely fine and carefully administered.
This must often be done several times: 2-3 sessions spaced out over several weeks.
They give a fairly long-lasting result over time (approximately 2 years).
The rediscovered radiance of the forehead will help give your eyes – your “greatest weapon” – their full power of seduction.